Trip Lottery
We shifted our seasonal Trip Lottery to a monthly giveaway promoted through our Outdoor Club newsletters.
Each month we highlight a partner who is offering a free experience for Teens to Trails Outdoor Clubs.
Read the newsletter
2. Discuss offerings with your outdoor club.
3. Apply
4. We notify all applicants of the outcome
5. Adventure & Keep applying!
Register your Outdoor Club to receive the newsletter and many other benefits!
Are you an outfitter, guide, naturalist, landowner or have some other cool skills to share with an Outdoor Club?
“Thanks for a great trip via the Trip Lottery! Dirigo Outdoor Club (22 students, 3 chaperones) enjoyed kayaking, canoeing, paddle-boarding, campfires, swimming, games and MORE! Thank you, as always, for everything you do for Outdoor Clubs in Maine! Because of Teens to Trails, we have another amazing experience with many memories. Keep up the great work!”
— Karolyn Buotte, Dirigo High School, Outdoor Club Advisor
Thanks to ALL our Trip Lottery Partners, present and future, for making
adventures available to Outdoor Clubs throughout the state!