Where to Rent Outdoor Gear in Maine
In the summer of 2023, with the help of an excellent college intern named Nora, we started creating a statewide map of places to rent or borrow clothing and equipment like tents or snowshoes that enable participants to have the right clothing and equipment to ensure a safe and positive outdoor experience. This map is a compilation of for-profit & non-profit rental businesses and community gear libraries that are committed to increasing access to the outdoors in Maine. Maine Trail Finder, a definitive resource for outdoor enthusiasts, offered to host Nora’s data to make the information broadly available. As they say, Search. Discover. Go!
This map shows 50+ outdoor gear rental businesses in Maine that agreed to share their data. To access:
1) Click on the map. It will direct you to Maine Trail Finder.
2) Filter your search by selecting Gear/Retail/Rentals under Trail Services. Enter keywords or location to refine your search.
3) The gear rental map will be rendered. At each pin, you will find information on the business name, phone number, website, address, types of gear, audience, price structure, etc.
Would you like to add a gear-lending resource to the map? Click here.
Maine Trail Finder is committed to creating tools that invite all people to have trail experiences. And, creating this map is just one way to help folks know that they don't have to own all the gear they need for a great outdoor adventure. Together, we envision a future where all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, ability, socioeconomic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age, have unencumbered access to joyful experiences on the trails and green spaces of every community.